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TODA Network: The Next Step

Category: Branding Film / Release Date: 2018

Project: TODA Network: The Next Step

Objective: Cover the 1 day conference event TODA Day and create a compelling 15-22 minute branding film for the company in order to use the resulted visuals as the main element on it’s website to introduce, excite and attract community of users, investors and partners, scaling TODA Protocol and its capabilities.

Time in pre-production: 3 days Time in production: 1 day Time in post-production: 3.5 weeks

TODA.Network, founded by ToufiSaliba and Dann Tolliver, is a family of companies built and created on the TODA Protocol — a communication layer protocol which enables developers to build applications and platforms with user centric value management without any third party dependencies (this means no dependencies on cloud, no dependencies on miners, no databases, no servers, zero dependencies). TODA/IP is not a replacement of TCP/IP. They can both and should both coexist. TODA/IP is for value transfer over the communication layer in a P2P decentralized setting.

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